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Meet our organization.

We work voluntarily and are driven to make a difference!

Read more about us and our driving force
Fästpunkt om oss

We founded the foundation


Mikaela Lindström & Elina Bergström


Experiences from our first trip to Ghana in 2008 form the basis for why we started the Make a Difference foundation. Because that's exactly what we want to do. We want to and we know that together we can make a big difference for many.

Our valuable board

To experience the difference and all the personal meetings with children and families in Ghana is my biggest driving force for our work. I look forward to working together to give families a more secure future by building and running the family center in Bobikuma.

Leif Lindström


Per Melander

The joy and satisfaction it gives to help children and families in Ghana is my main driving force. Our "little" project to build a family center in Ghana is also a wonderful challenge that I can not say no to. The day we inaugurate the home on site in Bobikuma will be one of the best in my life.

Holger Gunnarsson

Our fiery souls

2016-12-07 19.52.00.jpg

Håkan Karlgren
Vår Webbsupport

It did not take long to decide when the Foundation asked if I wanted to help create the website. I am happy to be able to help make a difference in such a way.

Arthur Sandels
Vår Ingenjör

Make a Difference is the perfect way for me to be able to apply my professional skills as an engineer to help the vulnerable outside Sweden. The organization is small and efficient, which makes the team extra personal. I found Make a Difference through Engineers Without Borders and I am grateful to be a part of making a difference.


Johanna Wickström
Vår arkitekt


Olle Grönvalls
Vår odlingsmästare

Det var byggtekniken Rammed Earth som 2014 förde mina vägar samman med MAD. Rammed earth är ett sätt att med hjälp av lokalt tillgänglig jord bygga hus som varken behöver aircondition eller uppvärmning. Perfekt för den afrikanska kontexten. Jag var välbekant med Ghana redan innan projektet och det har verkligen varit en dröm att vara del av detta fantastiska projekt i ett så glädjefyllt land! Vackrare jord finns knappast någonstans.

Our team in Ghana

Jalilu "Opingo" Rahman

"Opingo" has followed our journey since 2009 and has therefore become a very good friend. He helps and supports us in everything from being an interpreter, driver to making wise decisions. Opingo has the overall responsibility in place in Ghana.

Francis is our project manager in Bobikuma. He is responsible for all donations on site and for our farm. Francis has a good knowledge of the village and helps us in many important matters concerning the construction of the family center.

Francis Abu

Ben is the project manager and is responsible for all students. He is himself a university student and a great role model and inspires our students.

Ben Rockson

Vill du bli en del av vårt Team?

Tveka inte att ta kontakt med oss! 
Elina Bergström 070 - 385 06 17
Mikaela Lindström 070 - 233 70 85

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